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Major Introduction

Date:2014-12-26    Clicks:     Sources:

English Department(both literal arts and science examinees admitted)

The English Department aims to cultivate high-quality and comprehensive English talents to meet the demands of society. We attach great importance to students’ language application abilities and intercultural communication competences. Wealso emphasize the reform of teaching methods. Our teaching quality has gained widespread social recognition. All students of this major did well in previous TEM-4 and TEM-8 standardized examinations, ranking first among science and technology universities within the nation as a whole. Many students earned awards in activities such as the National English Speech Contest, the National English Debate Contest and the National Model United Nations. In the national highest competition "FLTRP Cup" National English Speech Contest, contestants from our department won the first prizefor four consecutive years from 2006 to 2009 resulting in many students being invited to the United States for participation in training and to compete in speech contests.

The faculty of the department totals 27, including 3 Professors, 14 Associate Professors, 5 teachers with Doctorate degrees; eighty percent of teachers have studied abroad.

The Department focuses on cultivation of students’ comprehensive quality and abilities. We pay attention to improving students' knowledge structure while honing their language skills so as to equip them with solid basic language knowledge as well as relatively broader knowledge of humanities and natural sciences. This in turn blesses them with the necessary competence in the work of translating, research, teaching, and management in fields like foreign affairs, economy and trade, culture, press and publications, education, medicine, health and science and technology

The training program of this major includes general courses, basic courses of general disciplines, professional basic courses, practical training, etc. Our discipline orientations include language translation, culture and literature, English for special purposes, all of which ensures that students can choose their directions according to their interests in their senior college years. Practical training covers listening and speaking, reading, translating, writing and social practice, all of which aims to improve students' comprehensive abilities and language skills. The English Department also supports bilingual disciplines such as English-French, English-German and English-Russian, which aim to enable students to communicate in two foreign languages. Bilingual directions only admit liberal arts examinees. Direction of English-German was started in the year 2011.

The English Department offers full-time bachelor’s four-year degree programs. The department admits both literal arts and science examinees, whose foreign language in college entrance examination is English. After the completion of the prescribed courses and credits, a Bachelor's Degree of Arts shall be granted.

Japanese Department

The Japanese Department started its admission program in 1985. Thus far, it has nurtured over three hundred talents who are equipped with basic knowledge in science and engineering, technology, economy and trade as well as comprehensive possessing Japanese intercultural communication competence. For a long time, the Japanese Department aimed to cultivate high-quality and comprehensive talents, who can meet the demands of the society. We attach great attention to cultivating students’ practical skills and language application abilities so as to prepare them for the special needs of different disciplines and fields. We also lay emphasis on the reform of teaching methods in order to achieve high teaching qualities. At the annual Japanese Language Proficiency Test hosted by The Japan Foundation, our students are always on the top of the list. In NSS-4 and NSS-8 examinations hosted by the Education Ministry, the scores of our students are higher than the national average.

In 2005, our Japanese major was honored as a brand major ofShaanxiProvince. “Comprehensive Japanese” was rated as an “Excellent Course”. In 2007, the major was approved as a characteristic specialty construction pilot program of institutions of higher learning.

Faculty of the department totals 16, including 3 Professors, 8 Associate Professors, 5 teachers with a Doctorate degree, with all teachers having studied abroad.

Training Programs of the major can be divided into three parts, namely, general courses, subject courses and practice. Core courses include Basic Japanese, Comprehensive Japanese, Japanese Listening and Speaking Practice, Advanced Japanese, Introduction to Japanese, Introduction to Translation and Practice, Interpretation, Japanese Writing, Scientific Japanese, Business Japanese, Japanese Literature, Japanese Culture, etc. Specialized courses cover three directions, including Japanese Language and Literature, Japanese for Science and Business, Japanese Social Civilization, which ensures that students can choose their directions according to their interests in their senior college years. We introduced research group practice, which is prevalent in universities in Japan, in our practical training, so as to help students develop independent thinking and problem-solving abilities and the ability to independently carry out scientific research.

We have exchange programs with many top Japanese universities, includingOsakaUniversity,Waseda University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Saitama University, and Prefectural University of Hiroshima. Excellent students in the third or fourth grade have the chance to study abroad for one year, with this study being sponsored by the government. Those who ranked first in Japanese Language Proficiency Test and winners of the Japanese Speech Contest inShaanxi Provincealso have the opportunity to pay a short-term visit to Japan.

The Japanese Department offers a full-time four-year bachelor’s degree program. The Department only admits science examinees. After completion of the prescribed courses and credits, a Bachelor's Degree of Arts shall be granted. A wide variety of job opportunities are available for graduates. Most graduates are engaged in the work of management, translating, technology, teaching or research in Japan-funded enterprises, research and development institutions, foreign-funded companies, financial field and educational fields. Additionally, many students have earned Master’s and Doctorate degree in top Japanese universities.

French Department (literal art examinees admitted only)

The French Department aims to cultivate excellent professional personnel who are equipped with solid French language foundations and relatively strong communicative competences, as well as relatively broader knowledge of natural sciences, humanities, and social science, so as to be competent in the positions of French translating, teaching and research, intercultural communication, foreign affairs and management in departments of government, scientific research and education, international trade, cultural communication, news and publications and information media.

Courses of this major include three types, namely, general courses, subject courses and practice. Core courses include Basic French, Advanced French, French Listening and Speaking Practice, French Writing, French Translation, French Interpretation, French Literature, Introduction to France, Business French, Scientific Translation, Frenchnewspaper and periodical reading, etc.

The French Department brings into full play the teaching advantage in natural science of our university. We give top priority to the cultivation of students’ basic knowledge of science and skill, and encourage students to minor in a second Bachelor's degree. The French language master degree program, which was constructed along with French undergraduate major, provides a platform for students to pursue a further education.

The French department offers a full-time four-year bachelor’s degree program. The department only admits literal arts examinees whose foreign language in college entrance exam was English or French. After the completion of the prescribed courses and credits, a Bachelor's Degree of Arts shall be granted.


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