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新港报告“语言文学”系列(第二讲)The iHarbour Lecture Series on Language & Literature

发布时间:2019-11-14     点击量:      来源:
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第二讲 文学文化系列


The Success ofIf You Are The Onein Australia




Prof. Jing HAN(University of Western Sydney / SBS)


翻译的目的是传递信息、促进交流,成功的翻译必然是成功的跨文化交际过程。《非诚勿扰》英文字幕版自2013年起在澳大利亚国家电视台SBS TV播出,已经连续播出到了第6个年头,成为澳大利亚播放史上连续播放最长的非英语节目。韩静教授将以她从事中文影视翻译20多年的经验入手,以中国大型相亲节目《非诚勿扰》英文字幕版在澳大利亚的巨大成功的实践为例,深入浅出地讲解中国文化走出去的基本原则和翻译的成功要素。

It is widely recognised that translation is a form of intercultural communication, the ultimate goal of which is to achieve communication by transmitting the intended message to the target audience. Prof. Jing HAN, who has had over 20 years’ experience in translating Chinese films and TV programs, including the most successful Chinese dating showIf You Are The One, will illustrate how to achieve cross-cultural communication through manipulating communication in translation.



Prof. Han is the Director of Australia China Institute for Arts and Culture at Western Sydney University. She is a leading expert in translating Chinese culture, audio-visual translation and media accessibility. She is highly regarded for her significant and original contributions to the field and industry. She received her PhD in English Literature from the University of Sydney in 1995. In 1996, she joined the public broadcaster SBS TV Australia as Mandarin subtitler. Since 2006, she has been the Chief Subtitler and Head of the SBS Subtitling Department, leading the Department to a great international success and fame. Over the last 23 years, she has subtitled over 300 Chinese films and documentaries. In the last six years, she has been the leading subtitler of the most popular Chinese TV show If You Are The One. She is the executive producer of the English edition of 100-episode documentary series A History of China commissioned by CCTV,China. Prof. Han teaches translation and interpreting courses for postgraduates at Western Sydney University and is a PhD supervisor.

第二讲 语言认知系列

How do Language and Images Reconstruct the World in News?


讲座人:Prof. Paulus van den Hoven





Journalists are always expected to be objective in their reporting. What does it mean by objectivity in journalism? Can journalists avoid subjectivity and be truly objective? In this talk, the speaker argues that journalist reporting is the result of a set of significant choices about language and images, which make objectivity in news reports an illusion. Subjectivity, rather than objectivity, is inherent with reports due to the following three factors: (1) the perception and the newsworthiness of the situation; (2) choices about language and images in formatting the news; and (3)the subjectivity in the registers to express. The speaker will present arhetorical analysisof cases of news reports to uncover how journalists can systematically identify and categorize linguistic choices available to him/her to reconstruct the reality. Based on the case analysis, he proposes that the naive concept ofobjectivityhas to be replaced by the concept oftransparency, and critical rhetoric plays a major role in doing so.


Paulus van den Hoven出生于1954年,现为厦门大学新闻与传播学院教授,荷兰乌得勒支大学语言与传播学教授,法学专家,语言学博士。他长期从事语言表现力的研究,著述颇丰。研究领域包括符号学、批判修辞学、以及话语理论。在2015年出版的《淘金:修辞话语分析的艺术》一书中,他将批评修辞发展成话语建构中必然选择的理论。他认为,现实世界是进化的产物,它以人类为中心,部分主观地解释着我们感受到的东西。而通常我们的感官体验都只是一种“中介”,我们对“现实世界”的了解则更多是来自他人的话语。

Paulus van den Hoven (1954) is chair professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Xiamen University and full professor of language and communication at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. He owns a PhD in Linguistics and also graduated as a jurist. This combination may explain his lifelong fascination for the performative power of language. He published extensively on the tools of the communicator (semiotics), their function in how an audience’s reality is discursively created (critical rhetoric), and the relation between rhetoric and rationality (argument theory). In his bookGold Mining, the Art of Rhetorical Discourse Analysis(2015) he develops critical rhetoric as a theory of inevitable choices in discourse construction, choices that matter to the audience. He argues that our reality is actually an evolutionary product, a human-centered, partly subjective interpretation of what our senses register. But most of our sensory experiences are sincerelymediated: we learn ourrealityfrom others out of discourse.


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