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发布时间:2018-04-15     点击量:      来源:
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Fred Dervin is Professor of Multicultural Education at the University of Helsinki (Finland). Dervin also holds several professorships in Australia, Canada, China, Luxembourg, Malaysia and Sweden. Prof.Dervin specializes in intercultural education, the sociology of multiculturalism and student and academic mobility. He has published over 40 books. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IGI, USA) with Li and Byrd-Clark. Dervin is considered as one of the most influential voices in scholarship about interculturality in Europe.(Fred Dervin, 芬兰赫尔辛基大学多元文化教育教授,兼任澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、卢森堡、马来西亚、瑞典多所高校客座教授。Dervin教授主要研究领域包括跨文化教育、多元文化社会学、学生与教师的跨文化流动。Dervin教授出版40余部学术著作。担任the International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education期刊主编。)

讲座题目: Interculturality Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

时 间: 2018年4月18日16:00--18:00

地 点: 逸夫外文楼B1001学术报告厅

讲座介绍: The notion of interculturality has been with us for approximately 60 years. It was introduced first in the US and then Europe, and spread to the rest of the world over the past decades. However, the very idea of interculturality has always been with us: our common history has always relied on encounters between people from different parts of the world. With the accelerating modes of (virtual) mobility that are available today, we have the impression that interculturality is something new. In this talk I want to question some assumptions about the idea of interculturality and offer a critical approach that can make it a ‘fairer’ and realistic notion to work with in different contexts. I will review some of the concepts that have been in use for a long time, and propose alternative terms to renew interculturality. The Beijing-Helsinki model that is currently being developed by Li & Dervin (2018) will also be introduced to illustrate how one can take current critiques into account.



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