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发布时间:2017-12-26     点击量:      来源:
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Paul Kei Matsuda教授任职于美国亚利桑那州立大学,担任英语系二语写作中心主任,并兼任南京大学应用语言学教授、郑州大学应用语言学教授、宾夕法尼亚州立大学客座教授及香港大学客座研究员。Matsuda教授是二语写作国际研讨会创始人、二语写作筹备委员会创始人及TESOL核心会议英语非母语发言人委员会主席并担任美国应用语言学协会现任主席。

同时,Matsuda教授担任许多国际期刊的编委,知名期刊包括TESOL Quarterly,Journal of Second Language Writing, Language Learning and Technology等,其他期刊包括Asia TEFL Journal, Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, Reflections on English Language Teaching, Research in the Teaching of English,The Writing Instructor, and WPA: Writing Program Administration and Written Communication等等。此外,他还是很多国际期刊的匿名评审专家,比如Across the Disciplines, Applied Linguistics Canadian Modern Language Review, College Composition and Communication, DIRASAT, English for Specific Purposes, ERIC Digests, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, International Journal of English Studies, Íkala: Revista de Lenguajey Cultura, Intercultural Pragmatics, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, International Journal of English Studies, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of Language, Identity and Education, Journal of Writing Assessment, Linguistics and Education, Language Learning, Language Teaching Research, Modern Language Journal, Pedagogy, Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Writing Center Journal等。

Matsuda教授的研究兴趣为二语写作,擅长运用修辞学与应用语言学的理论和方法展开二语写作研究,著有相关学术著作数部,并在Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, College Composition and Communication, College English, Composition Studies, Computers and Composition, English for Specific Purposes, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Journal of Basic Writing, Journal of Second Language Writing, PMLA, TESOL Quarterly, and Written Communication等国际核心期刊上发表论文多篇。

讲座题目: English for shifting purposes: Academic writing in the new global higher education

时 间: 2018年1月5日上午9:00-11:00

地 点: 逸夫外文楼B912


The purpose of this talk is to reexamine some of the foundational assumptions in academic writing instruction in the context of various societal changes that affect institutions of higher education. One of the major contributions of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), of which English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a subset, is the importance of needs analysis in establishing the goals and objectives of language and writing instruction. Yet, needs analyses are often conceptualized at the micro level—i.e., particular courses, programs, disciplines or genres—rather than at the macro level—i.e., the role of higher education in the larger society. As a result, some of the foundational assumptions remain unexamined. In this presentation, I will show how conceptions of academic writing has shifted in response to various historical shifts in U.S. higher education—from the rise of research universities at the turn of the 20th century and the advent of open admissions in the 1970s to the privatization and globalization of higher education in the early 21st century. I will then discuss the ongoing tension between so-called general and academic writing at various levels—not only in general education writing courses but also at master’s and even doctoral levels—as institutions of higher education shift into new roles in today’s global economy.



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