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发布时间:2017-10-19     点击量:      来源:
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常辉,上海交通大学beat365体育官方网站教授、博士研究生导师、副院长。《当代外语研究》国际第二语言加工委员会副会长兼秘书长、中国英汉语比较研究会二语习得研究专业委员会常务理事、中国英汉语比较研究会英语教学研究分会常务理事、中国教育语言学研究会常务理事、Journal of Second Language Studies联合执行主编、《第二语言学习研究》副主编等。


讲座题目: Asymmetries of Null Subjects and Null Objects in L1-English and L1-Japanese Learners’ Chinese

时 间: 2017年10月20日下午16:00-18:00

地 点: 逸夫外文楼B 1001学术报告厅

Abstract: Based on the HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus, this study investigated the use of Chinese null arguments by advanced adult L1-English and L1-Japanese learnerswith Chinese native speakers as a baseline. Several asymmetries were found. First, the learners producedmany more null subjects than null objects. Second, null subjects were mainly animate, while null objects were mainly inanimate. Third, more null subjects were used in non-matrix clauses than in matrix clauses. In addition, L1 did not seem to play a significant role in the learners’ use of Chinese null arguments, and the learners’ use Chinese null arguments was generally not native-like. Finally, it appears that null objects are not transferable or developmental and that infrequent use of null objects is universal in L2 Chinese. It was argued that positive evidence in the target input as well as the nature of the subject and the object led to the asymmetric use of null subjects and null objects in L2 Chinese.



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