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发布时间:2016-12-20     点击量:      来源:
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讲 座1:Complex Networks in Linguistics

 时 间:2016年12月19日(周一)下午4:00-6:00

 地 点:逸夫外文楼B座10楼学术报告厅

主讲人简介:Cech Radex博士是捷克Ostrava大学人文学部捷克语学院副院长。他的研究兴趣和专长主要包括:语料库语言学、依存语法、文本计量分析、语言学研究方法、句法计量分析及语言网络研究等。现已在国际期刊发表学术论文数十篇,主编或参编学术专著八本,主持或参与欧盟科研项目、国际合作项目、捷克国家级项目等各类科研项目六项。学术视野开阔,作为访问学者先后访问过奥地利维也纳大学,德国Tübingen大学、Trier大学,希腊雅典大学,西班牙Politècnica de Catalunya大学等。主要学术兼职包括:国际计量语言学协会议会组成员,国际计量语言学知名期刊Glottometrics(WSCI期刊)和Journal of Quantitative Linguistics(SSCI期刊)编委。

 讲 座2Situating context in inferential language processing

 时 间:2016年12月20日(周二)下午4:00-6:00

 地 点:逸夫外文楼B座10楼学术报告厅

摘 要:Language is used in context: we comprehend words within sentences, sentences within discourse, and discourse among interlocutors and in a particular setting. While much research has highlighted the role of context in language processing (e.g., the meaning of a word is largely determined by the prior and subsequent context), what roles different contexts (e.g., prior, concurrent, and subsequent context) play in the cognitive processes of language is relatively unexplored. In this talk, the lecturer proposes to situate context in the framework of inferential language processing, according to which comprehenders actively engage their prior knowledge to make inferences about incoming input (e.g., what words are likely to come). He will categorise context into prior, concurrent, and subsequent context and argue that they have different functions in language processing. Crouched in terms of Bayesian inference (i.e., people make inferences about an event based on both the event and their prior knowledge), he proposes that prior context serves as the prior and sets up the stage for incoming linguistic input, concurrent context constrains the clarity/certainty of the perceived linguistic input (the evidence), and subsequent context updates inferences and prior knowledge. Such a proposal provides a unified conceptualisation for investigating how different types of contextual information modulate the way people understand language.The lecturer will then present some experiments which show that comprehenders make inferences about the speaker and use that “speaker model” to interpret the speech from that speaker. In particular, he will show that comprehenders infer the dialectic identity of the speaker from his/her accent and use such the dialectic identity (e.g., American English speaker) and their distributional knowledge about that dialect (e.g., what the most likely meaning a word has in that dialect) to infer intended meaning of a word (e.g., whether the word “bonnet” means a car-part or a hat).

主讲人简介:蔡振光2011年从英国 University of Edinburgh心理学系获得博士学位,之后在英国University of Manchester, University of Plymouth等大学从事博士后工作。2014年他获得了英国社会及经济研究委员会(ESRC)的“未来领军人物”基金项目,在University College London 进行独立研究。2016年加入University of East Anglia,成为心理学院的讲师。蔡博士的研究领域为认知心理学,主要从事语言认知和时间认知的研究,在心理学国际知名期刊Cognition, Journal of Memory and Language, Brain and Cognition上发表多篇论文。



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