高一虹,1983年获英国杜伦大学语言学硕士学位,1988年获美国波士顿大学语言教育硕士学位,1992年获北京大学语言学博士学位。1983年起在北京大学工作,现任北京大学外国语言学院教授、博士生导师、外国语言学及应用语言学研究所所长;中国英语教学研究会副会长。曾任中国社会语言学会会长。主要研究领域为社会语言学、应用语言学、跨文化交际,研究兴趣集中于外语学习和教学的社会心理和社会文化情境。主要著述包括:《外语教学与文化》(1997,与胡文仲合著,第二作者)、《语言文化差异的认识与超越》(2000)、《“1+1>2”外语学习模式》(2001)、《中国大学生英语学习社会心理—学习动机与自我认同究》(2004, 合著第一作者)、《学生英语学习动机与自我认同发展---- 四年五校跟踪研究》(出版中,合著第一作者)。
GAO Yihong obtained her MA degree in linguistics from Durham University (UK) in 1983, EdM in TESOL from Boston University (USA) in 1988, and PhD in linguistics from Peking University in 1992. Currently she is Professor of Linguistics and Director of Research Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University. She is also Vice President of China English Language Education Association, and served as the President of The Association of Chinese Sociolinguistics. Her major research interest lies in the social psychology and sociocultural contexts of foreign language learning and teaching. Her publications include Culture and Foreign Language Teaching (1997, second author, collaboration with HU Wenzhong), Understanding and Transcending Linguistic and Cultural Differences (2000), Foreign Language Leaning: “1+1>2” (2001), The Social Psychology of English Learning by Chinese College Students Motivation and Learners' Self-Identities (2004, first author), and College Students’ English Learning Motivation and Self-Identity Development – A four-year longitudinal study (forthcoming, first author).
时 间:2013年5月8日(周三)上午9:00-10:30
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