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发布时间:2014-03-26     点击量:      来源:
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座 1Love and Friendship in Hamlet
间: 2014年4月1日(周二)下午16:00pm
点: 西安交通大学主楼C座204教室
内容简介:Especially when we compare Hamlet with Shakespeare's romantic comedies, love and courtship takes a severely problematic turn. Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia breaks down. His disillusion with his mother's carnal behavior, at least in his view, leads to a profound melancholy and disappointment from which recovery is difficult at best. Hamlet's depiction of erotic love between Gertrude and Claudius reveals his revulsion and distaste for what he sees there. Even friendship is under severe strain, especially in Hamlet's relationship to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Only in his loving friendship with Horatio do we find a large and important compensation for Hamlet.
座 2A World Elsewhere: Shakespeare's Representation of National Types
点: 西安交通大学逸夫外文楼B10楼多功能学术报告厅
内容简介:Though Shakespeare never travelled outside the United Kingdom, so far as we know, he displays a lively interest in various national types, often satirically. He evidently could read French and Italian comfortably. His French characters are often cowardly and boastful, apt to meddle in England's political affairs, complacent, arrogant, etc., with of course important exceptions. Italians are sometimes crafty and devious, interested in ingenious methods of poisoning. Spaniards are apt to be boastful. Germans and Scandinavians are given to excessive drinking and consumption of butter. Closer to home, the Scots can be treacherous and devious. The Irish are rough and uncivilized. The Welsh are comic in their speech patterns, flamboyant. Yet Henry V unites them all in his great victory of Agincourt. Asian people are strange, fascinated by magical practices. Shakespeare gives us a colorful picture of the world outside the limits of his own country.



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